I don’t know how is it in your countries but in mine we don’t get vacations that often. So imagine my happiness when I learned that in France you have vacation time pretty much every 6 weeks!

In one of those weeks in October I went to Spain for the first time ever. When I was little –not that I got much taller- I learned all the Macarena moves and the only reason there’s no embarrassing blackmail material is because I’m an only child and my family wasn’t in the habit of home videos.

Now that I think about it a lot of people didn't know until recently what the song is about so here it is if you happen to think it's an appropriate song for children: Macarena is a girl who likes to sleep around with boys. I know. Childhood innocence was bliss.

Anyway I went to Madrid and everything you think about the city is true: if what you think is that is beautiful, fun and with great food. I went by bus and it was not as cheap as it could have been had I planned in advance but it was nice to see the landscapes the sunrise and I didn’t get car sick which I can get really easily when no window is open.

In October with the afternoon sun the city looks so perfect that I cannot recommend you enough to look for terraces and enjoy a glass of a fun drink while eating some tapas and having a nice conversation with interesting people until the sunset comes.

As for things to see you have plenty. To not miss there’s the Cibeles Fountain (no need to be a Real Madrid supporter), the Alcalá Gate (typical tourists photo), The Buen Retiro Park and Temple of Debod; this is a perfect place to see how the sun plays with the structure and have a view of the city. Go shopping, go out, learn some Spanish words and just let the city entertain you.

A day in Spain doesn’t end until very late so you have no excuse to not make the most out of your trip.

I was really happy to go there because even though it had been only 2 months since I went to France I missed my language. I was struggling with expressing myself in French so it was such a relief and a fun time to go there and speak only in Spanish. I went all in and even joined a protest, sometimes you just have to go with the flow and support causes. 

Turns out that I am good at blocking things. It wasn’t until I went back to France I realized my mistake: I couldn’t speak French at all. I didn’t understand a word of it for hours so I went back to just smiling and saying "oui". Frustrating as…

Thanks for reading! 

I know Tom. I know. 

Soundtrack: Tom Petty. Album: Full Moon Fever 
I'm listening to him for the first time and I'm loving it. Rest in Peace brilliant man.


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