It’s about time I begin to accept the end of my being just a Millenial to embrace the whole "Millenial-adult" thing.

Acceptance is the last step of the grieving process. I have been through denial (oh, hell no), anger (no one told me about this?), bargaining (I will adult when I can afford a house), depression (Does this mean I cannot throw anymore tantrums?) and I am getting to acceptance… I still don’t know how that one sounds like.

I think so far the only agreement I have come to terms with adulthood is the fact that I don’t fully know what it means. I don’t have all the answers -I barely hold any answers- and as any other adult I miss simpler times.

I have come to understand that we are all clueless. We take one step at a time and just try to keep moving like on a bike. Einstein said once –or so I watched in a movie- that life is like riding a bike, the only way to keep your balance is to keep moving on. In life there is no way to set your foot down and stopping, so basically what we all do is keep riding and hoping we are not doing it towards a ditch. Though keeping real, we are all going to fall into one at least …10 times? 

But seriously no one knows all the rules, sometimes I think there aren’t any. My decisions have been questioned by other adults (because now I consider myself one) and in some cases utterly destroyed by their mindset. And is precisely in the moment I stood over all that and said: I am going to do it anyway, without the teen arrogance I used to wear proudly or the petty speech, that I understood that “adulting” other than judging others is standing firm on your decisions and being willing to live with the consequences… Also lots of existential crisis and passive aggressiveness.

For some people this may sound like the opposite to being an adult: taking risks? No! Adulthood is all about stability.  Maybe they are right, maybe this works for some. It may work for me in the future; However it doesn’t make me any less of an adult not to do things the way others do.

I am a millennial, I love avocado on everything I spend too much time on social media watching recipes that I'll never make but that does not mean that I am not a mature person willing to take the rough side of life, especially after a decision I made... I might be the kind of adult that when a child needs an adult will look the other way, but that is okay because kids are scary. 

Also, please know that from time to time adults throw fits and is fine. And I am not only saying this to justify the fact that I do this every other Monday at work. Is healthy … or not. Who cares? I will still do it and so should you if that is what it takes for you to be a balanced human being.

Honestly, just go out there and do your best: chin up, don't hurt other people and show yourself some love.


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