Has it ever happened to you that a song gets stuck in your head, it came out of nowhere and then makes your brain its home?

Who am I kidding of course you have. A friend even taught me the german word for it and I obviously forgot. She read or heard somewhere that one solution was to listen the whole song so your brain gets some sort of closure. I can tell you that is not working.

So I begin this post asking all of you a favor: Please listen to “Like A Stone” by Audioslave,  I have the theory that if I can get someone else to listen to it I will be “cured”.  Thank you.

Anyway,  I’m going to try to write both in Spanish and English at least a few posts of my Euro Diaries. The reason is that I’d love to share my experiences with my friends since much of the moments I share on this blog where lived with them. To all of my non Spanish speaking friends. This goes for you.

I went to France to find myself and I still don’t understand what that means, when I got the idea of making this series of posts I was on my goodbyes, and I remember telling someone that I was in love of the person I was, of who I am. What I meant was that I’ve been through a lot to be here, to get to this point and even though there’s still a lot of room (like a lot) for improving I’m comfortable on my skin and I am at this moment when after twenty-ish years, with the blue, the beauty and the not-so-easy I stand proud and looking forward.

I wanted to share some of my never fancy experiences while in Europe, a series of entries with stories, pointers, pictures and music. Here is what you’ve been missing on.

On the firsts episodes of the Euro Diaries –a very original name I know- I wrote about:

1-How much I dislike trains. I’m not one of those people who needs to constantly move around… until I’m on a train, then I get annoyingly restless. I do not wish you to be stuck with me on a train.  Also I’m bitter because I never found a cheap ticket to Paris and have really bad luck when it comes to seat mates.

2- My long flight uniform: Jeans, t-shirt, sneakers, jacket and hat. My goal in life is to be known as the girl with the hats. Ok that’s not true. My goal is something not nearly as cool.

3- I got lost in translation when by accident said a wrong “oui” at the wrong time and everyone thought I loved cucumber. I don’t. But I like to think I’m nice (not stupid at all) so I ate cucumber for a year almost every day.

4-My saving money euro tips include: Using the GoEuro app, eating lots of kebabs, traveling by bus, and asking around if it was worth to expend the night in a city. Mostly my money went on ice cream, I know first step is to admit you have a problem I’m still working on that one.

5- If you have the opportunity to travel to France, you should really consider going to Bordeaux, the city has everything. It’s beautiful, there's a lot to do and the ocean is just an hour away. You can get wine for 1,50 Euros, a whole bottle! And if you are lazy like I am and don’t fancy getting all dressed up to go out, Bordeaux is as casual as you can get.

Now you are updated on what’s going on this series. Get your Macarena moves ready because I’ll tell you about my Spanish experience.

Thanks for reading.

Keep spreading love and positive thoughts to the world.


2 comentarios:

  1. I'm pretty sure your friend meant the word "Ohrwurm" ;) Looking forward reading about your other experiences!

    1. LOL!!! yeah I meant exactly that one. Thanks for reading Elena!!!! x


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